Spearheading transformative experimentation for the Army

Transformative Experimentation

We aim to provide understanding and access to US Army designs and reference architectures through the IXL. To empower registrants with a true ability to experiment with US Army-owned implementations, participation within the IXL does not lead to a contract award.  

Our platform unites defense industry professionals, innovators, and emerging tech visionaries in a dynamic space where experimentation meets transformation. Here, we embrace the essence of adaptability and innovation, tweaking what we need to push the boundaries of possibility. The Innovation Exchange Lab is more than a venue; it’s a catalyst for industry evolution. 

Our Mission

The Innovation Exchange Lab is accessible to industry innovators of all size and scale. Here, companies from diverse sectors can plug their solutions into our ecosystem to test and learn against our reference architectures and designs. As the Army continues through its Digital Transformation journey, the IXL will enable a more agile approach for solution providers and empower them with insights to help ensure their solutions seamlessly integrate and align with the Army’s vision.

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