Press Release

Army advances towed jumper release system to save Soldiers’ lives

February 2, 2021

Press Release – For Immediate Release

ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, MD – The Army is one step closer to delivering a system that will help paratroopers avoid significant injury or death if they or their equipment becomes tangled with the static line and their parachute is not released, a situation Army officials say happens several times a year.

General John M. Murray, commander of the U.S. Army Futures Command, approved the Parachutist Emergency Release System Organizational Clothing and Individual Equipment Production document late last month, marking a significant milestone that will enable the Towed Jumper Release System to become an official Army Program of Record.

Several teams belonging to the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command, or DEVCOM, participated in this project, including the U.S. Army Foreign Comparative Testing Program Office and the DEVCOM Soldier Center. The FCT Program funded purchase of the commercial product known as Hung Up Parachutist Release Assembly from a United Kingdom company for tests and evaluation. The DEVCOM SC conducted the tests and evaluation at Yuma Proving Ground, Arizona, using mannequins that “jumped” out from the aircraft’s side doors and ramp.

According to FCT Program officials, research and development savings from the project are estimated to be $4-5 million, which includes non-recurring engineering costs and additional costs to develop, integrate and validate a new recovery system.

The Army will submit a request to the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology for a Materiel Development Decision review of the technology. Once the MDD is achieved, the TJRS will officially become a POR and be led by PEO Soldier.


The U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command, known as DEVCOM, is the Army’s technology leader and largest technology developer. DEVCOM, which is a major subordinate command of the Army Futures Command, ensures the dominance of Army capabilities by creating, integrating and delivering technology-enabled solutions to our Soldiers. The Foreign Comparative Testing Program is a congressionally authorized program that is executed for the Army by the DEVCOM Science & Technology Integration Directorate, which receives oversight from the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research & Engineering Global Capability Programs Office. The FCT Program provides an avenue for Army engineers, scientists and program managers to acquire, test, and evaluate items and technologies from foreign industry allies and other friendly nations that may fill an Army capability gap or other urgent need.

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